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My Commitment

  • I will show up with my whole self, to meet you where you are that day.

  • I will bring my years of experience deciphering and embodying movement; the knowledge I have gained from extensive study and certification; as well as my empathy, curiosity, creativity, and intuition.

  • I am committed to always doing my utmost to create a safe space where folks feel seen and heard. 

  • I embrace personal and professional growth through feedback, self-reflection and ongoing education.

  • The way the body moves is shaped by the stories we carry and lives we have lived, and as such I truly believe that the greatest teacher of you, is you. I will be there to offer education, feedback, encouragement, and support as you dive into the incredible process of (re)connecting to how and why you move. 

  • I will always acknowledge what I don’t know, referring to an expert outside my wheelhouse, all the while keeping your best interests at heart. I believe it takes a village to raise up the individual and as such, I fully embrace a holistic approach to health through collaboration with everyone on your healthcare team - including YOU!

  • My commitment to this work is rooted in my genuine love for all movement, borne of a lifetime of curious embodiment; my joy in holding space for others as they spend focussed time connecting body, mind and spirit; and my fascination with the staggering intelligence of the body and the beauty of human design.




The ability of the body to heal, learn new ways of moving, access greater power and efficiency, and to surprise you is never ending, and it is one of the few guarantees in life. Change is always possible, and change happens through movement. This is as much a part of my story, as it is yours. It is such a gift to share in folks' journeys as they courageously embrace what is present today, and lean into the potential of tomorrow.  

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